This section provides instruction on installing the Julia language and Clapeyron, and provides recommendations on packages users might need to use in conjunction with Clapeyron.
Installing Julia
The latest version of Julia can be downloaded here, with additional instructions specific to the OS used provided here. Clapeyron should function on all OS.
If users are unfamiliar with Julia, we recommend some helpful guides to become familiar:
- For novice programmers, there is a short introduction to Julia available here. A longer list of tutorials is available on the Julia website itself.
- If users are already familiar with MATLAB or Python, there is a great guide available listing the differences between the two here.
For basic usage of Clapeyron, one does not need an in-depth knowledge of Julia. However, if one wishes to implement their own methods or model, it might be worth familiarising oneself with concepts such as multiple dispatch and broadcasting.
Installing Clapeyron
Clapeyron.jl is a registered package on JuliaHub. Installing it can be done with a simple command within the Julia REPL:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Clapeyron")
If a new version of Clapeyron.jl is released, one can update the package using:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.update("Clapeyron")
Recommended packages
In order to fully utilise Clapeyron, users may need certain features not included in the package. Here is a list of packages the developers of Clapeyron recommend using:
- Plotting: The default package for plotting in Julia is Plots.jl and can be installed the same way as Clapeyron. However, if users are more-familiar with matplotlib, PyPlot.jl is also available but is trickier to install.
- Data storage and manipulation: The default packages in Julia are DataFrames.jl and Tables.jl. Both of these make it easy to store values and then export them into various data types.