
Cubic Models

All cubic models in Clapeyron.jl follow a common evaluation order:

function CubicModel(args...)
    #get params for database, initialize other models, etc
    recombine!(model) #we calculate the mixing rules, caches for the translation models if necessary, etc.

function cubic_ab(model::CubicModel,V,T,z=SA[1.0])
    invn2 = (one(n)/n)^2
    a = model.params.a.values
    b = model.params.b.values
    α = α_function(model,V,T,z,model.alpha)
    c = translation(model,V,T,z,model.translation)
    ā,b̄,c̄ = mixing_rule(model,V,T,z,model.mixing,α,a,b,c)
    return ā ,b̄, c̄

function a_res(model::CubicModel,V,T,z,data = (sum(z),cubic_ab(model,V,T,z)))
    n, ā ,b̄, c̄ = data
    #depends on the specific EoS
    return result
  • A Mixing Rule Model creates aᵢⱼ and bᵢⱼ from the critical temperature, critical pressure and a matrix of pair coefficients.

  • An Alpha Model creates a vector of αᵢ(T) values

  • A Translation Model creates a vector of cᵢ values

  • The same Mixing rule, given aᵢⱼ, bᵢⱼ, αᵢ(T) and cᵢ returns the the mixture values of , and that are then used by the corresponding cubic model. a Mixing Rule can contain activity models to participate in the mixing (for example, Huron-Vidal rules)

Common Definitions

ab_premixing(model,mixing,kij = nothing,lij = nothing)

given a model::CubicModel, that has a::PairParam, b::PairParam, a mixing::MixingRule and kij,lij matrices, ab_premixing will perform an implace calculation to obtain the values of a and b, containing values aᵢⱼ and bᵢⱼ. by default, it performs the van der Wals One-Fluid mixing rule. that is:

aᵢⱼ = sqrt(aᵢ*aⱼ)*(1-kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (bᵢ + bⱼ)/2

Interface function used by cubic models. with matrices a and b, vectors α and c, a model::CubicModel and mixing_model::MixingRule, returns the scalars , and , corresponding to the values mixed by the amount of components and the specifics of the mixing rule.


function mixing_rule(model::CubicModel,V,T,z,mixing_model::vdW1fRule,α,a,b,c)
    ∑z = sum(z)
    ā = dot(z .* sqrt(α),a,z .* sqrt(α))/(∑z*∑z) #∑∑aᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ√(αᵢαⱼ)
    b̄ = dot(z,b,z)/(∑z*∑z)  #∑∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
    c̄ = dot(z,c)/∑z ∑cᵢxᵢ
    return ā,b̄,c̄

Main Models

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = NoAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


van der Wals Equation of state.

P = RT/(V-Nb) + a•α(T)/V²

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = vdW("water") #single input
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"],alpha = SoaveAlpha) #modifying alpha function
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = vdW(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = SoaveAlpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = vdW(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders

model = vdW(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = vdW(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. van der Waals JD. Over de Continuiteit van den Gasen Vloeistoftoestand. PhD thesis, University of Leiden; 1873
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = NoAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = ClausiusTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molar Volume [m^3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molar Volume [m^3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)


Clausius Equation of state.

P = RT/(v-b) + a•α(T)/((v - Δ₀b)^2)

aᵢᵢ =27/64 * (RTcᵢ)²/Pcᵢ
bᵢᵢ = Vcᵢ - 1/4 * RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ
cᵢ = 3/8 * RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ - Vcᵢ

Δ₀ = ∑cᵢxᵢ/∑bᵢxᵢ


  1. Clausius, R. (1880). Ueber das Verhalten der Kohlensäure in Bezug auf Druck, Volumen und Temperatur. Annalen der Physik, 245(3), 337–357. doi:10.1002/andp.18802450302
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = PRAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


Redlich-Kwong Equation of state.

P = RT/(V-Nb) + a•α(T)/(V(V+Nb))

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = RK("water") #single input
model = RK(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = RK(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = RK(["water","ethanol"],alpha = Soave2019) #modifying alpha function
model = RK(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = RK(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = RK(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = SoaveAlpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = RK(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha) #this is efectively now an SRK model

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders

# Passing files or folders
model = RK(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = RK(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Redlich, O., & Kwong, J. N. S. (1949). On the thermodynamics of solutions; an equation of state; fugacities of gaseous solutions. Chemical Reviews, 44(1), 233–244. doi:10.1021/cr60137a013
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = PRAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


Peng-Robinson Equation of state.

P = RT/(V-Nb) + a•α(T)/(V-Nb₁)(V-Nb₂)
b₁ = (1 + √2)b
b₂ = (1 - √2)b

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = PR("water") #single input
model = PR(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = PR(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = PR(["water","ethanol"],alpha = Soave2019) #modifying alpha function
model = PR(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = PR(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = PR(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PR78Alpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = PR(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = PR(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = PR(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Peng, D.Y., & Robinson, D.B. (1976). A New Two-Constant Equation of State. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, 15, 59-64. doi:10.1021/I160057A011
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = RKPRAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • c: Pair Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


Redlich-Kwong-Peng-Robinson Equation of state.

P = RT/(v-b) + a•α(T)/((v + Δ₁b)*(v + Δ₂b))
Δ₁ = δ
Δ₂ = (1 - δ)/(1 + δ)
δ = ∑cᵢxᵢ

aᵢᵢ = Ωaᵢ(R²Tcᵢ²/Pcᵢ)
bᵢᵢ = Ωbᵢ(R²Tcᵢ/Pcᵢ)
Ωaᵢ = (3*yᵢ^2 + 3yᵢdᵢ + dᵢ^2 + dᵢ - 1)/(3yᵢ + dᵢ - 1)^2
Ωbᵢ = 1/(3yᵢ + dᵢ - 1)
dᵢ = (1 + cᵢ^2)/(1 + cᵢ)
yᵢ = 1 + (2(1 + cᵢ))^(1/3) + (4/(1 + cᵢ))^(1/3)

cᵢ is fitted to match:

if Zcᵢ[exp] > 0.29
    cᵢ = √2 - 1
    Zcᵢ = 1.168Zcᵢ[exp]
    f(cᵢ) == 0
    f(cᵢ) = Zcᵢ - yᵢ/(3yᵢ + dᵢ - 1)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = RKPR("water") #single input
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"],alpha = TwuAlpha) #modifying alpha function
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = RKPR(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PR78Alpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = RKPR(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = RKPR(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = RKPR(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Cismondi, M., & Mollerup, J. (2005). Development and application of a three-parameter RK–PR equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 232(1–2), 74–89. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2005.03.020
  2. Tassin, N. G., Mascietti, V. A., & Cismondi, M. (2019). Phase behavior of multicomponent alkane mixtures and evaluation of predictive capacity for the PR and RKPR EoS’s. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 480, 53–65. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2018.10.005
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = NoAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = PatelTejaTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • c: Pair Parameter (Float64)


Patel-Teja Equation of state.

P = RT/(v-b) + a•α(T)/((v - Δ₁b)*(v - Δ₂b))
aᵢᵢ = Ωaᵢ(R²Tcᵢ²/Pcᵢ)
bᵢᵢ = Ωbᵢ(R²Tcᵢ/Pcᵢ)
cᵢ = Ωcᵢ(R²Tcᵢ/Pcᵢ)
Zcᵢ = Pcᵢ*Vcᵢ/(R*Tcᵢ)
Ωaᵢ = 3Zcᵢ² + 3(1 - 2Zcᵢ)Ωbᵢ + Ωbᵢ² + 1 - 3Zcᵢ
0 = -Zcᵢ³ + (3Zcᵢ²)*Ωbᵢ + (2 - 3Zcᵢ)*Ωbᵢ² + Ωbᵢ³
Ωcᵢ = 1 - 3Zcᵢ

γ = ∑cᵢxᵢ/∑bᵢxᵢ
δ = 1 + 6γ + γ²
ϵ = 1 + γ

Δ₁ = -(ϵ + √δ)/2
Δ₂ = -(ϵ - √δ)/2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = PatelTeja("water") #single input
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"],alpha = TwuAlpha) #modifying alpha function
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = PatelTeja(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PR78Alpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = PatelTeja(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = PatelTeja(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = PatelTeja(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Patel, N. C., & Teja, A. S. (1982). A new cubic equation of state for fluids and fluid mixtures. Chemical Engineering Science, 37(3), 463–473. doi:10.1016/0009-2509(82)80099-7
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = KUAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m^3]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m^3]
  • omega_a: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Constant for a - No units
  • omega_b: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Constant for b - No units
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


Kumar-Upadhyay Cubic Equation of state. Ωa and Ωb are component-dependent

P = RT/(v-b) + a•κ(T)/((v²-1.6bv - 0.8b²)
a = Ωa(R²Tcᵢ²/Pcᵢ)
b = Ωb(R²Tcᵢ²/Pcᵢ)
Ωa = Zc[(1 + 1.6α - 0.8α²)²/((1 - α²)(2 + 1.6α))]
χ = ∛[√(1458Zc³ - 1701Zc² + 540Zc -20)/32√3Zc² - (729Zc³ - 216Zc + 8)/1728Zc³]
α = [χ + (81Zc² - 72Zc + 4)/144Zc²χ + (3Zc - 2)/12Zc]
Ωa = Zc[(1 + 1.6α - 0.8α²)²/((1 - α²)(2 + 1.6α))]
Ωb = αZc

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = KU("water") #single input
model = KU(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = KU(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = KU(["water","ethanol"],alpha = TwuAlpha) #modifying alpha function
model = KU(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = KU(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = KU(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PR78Alpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = KU(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = KU(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = KU(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Kumar, A., & Upadhyay, R. (2021). A new two-parameters cubic equation of state with benefits of three-parameters. Chemical Engineering Science, 229(116045), 116045. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2020.116045

Variant Models

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = ClausiusAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molar Volume [m^3/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molar Volume [m^3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • alpha: Alpha model
  • mixing: Mixing model
  • activity: Activity Model, used in the creation of the mixing model.
  • translation: Translation Model


Berthelot Equation of state. it uses the Volume-Pressure Based mixing rules, that is:

a = 8*Pc*Vc^2
b = Vc/3
R = (8/3)*Pc*Vc/Tc
P = RT/(V-Nb) + a•α(T)/V²
α(T) = Tc/T


  1. Berthelot, D. (1899). Sur une méthode purement physique pour la détermination des poids moléculaires des gaz et des poids atomiques de leurs éléments. Journal de Physique Théorique et Appliquée, 8(1), 263–274. doi:10.1051/jphystap:018990080026300
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = SoaveAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[], 
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)


Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state. it uses the following models:

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = SRK("water") #single input
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"],alpha = Soave2019) #modifying alpha function, using 2019 correlation
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = SRK(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = SoaveAlpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = SRK(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders

model = SRK(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = SRK(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Soave, G. (1972). Equilibrium constants from a modified Redlich-Kwong equation of state. Chemical Engineering Science, 27(6), 1197–1203. doi:10.1016/0009-2509(72)80096-4
function PSRK(components;
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = SoaveAlpha,
mixing = PSRKRule,
activity = PSRKUNIFAC,
translation = PenelouxTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)


Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Horstmann, S., Jabłoniec, A., Krafczyk, J., Fischer, K., & Gmehling, J. (2005). PSRK group contribution equation of state: comprehensive revision and extension IV, including critical constants and α-function parameters for 1000 components. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 227(2), 157–164. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2004.11.002
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
estimate_alpha = true,
estimate_translation = true)

translated and consistent Redlich-Kwong equation of state. it uses the following models:

If Twu parameters are not provided, they can be estimated from the acentric factor (acentricfactor). If translation is not provided, it can be estimated, using Rackett compresibility Factor (ZRA) or the acentric factor (acentricfactor).

The use of estimates for the alpha function and volume translation can be turned off by passing estimate_alpha = false or estimate_translation = false.


  1. Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2016). Development of the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state for a safe and accurate prediction of volumetric, energetic and saturation properties of pure compounds in the sub- and super-critical domains. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 429, 301–312. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.09.003
  2. Pina-Martinez, A., Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., Jaubert, J.-N., & Mathias, P. M. (2018). Analysis of the combinations of property data that are suitable for a safe estimation of consistent twu α-function parameters: Updated parameter values for the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63(10), 3980–3988. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.8b00640
  3. Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2022). Use of 300,000 pseudo‐experimental data over 1800 pure fluids to assess the performance of four cubic equations of state: SRK , PR , tc ‐RK , and tc ‐PR. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 68(2). doi:10.1002/aic.17518
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = PR78Alpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[], 
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Peng Robinson (1978) equation of state. it uses the following models:

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = PR78("water") #single input
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"],alpha = Soave2019) #modifying alpha function
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = PR78(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PRAlpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = PR78(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha) #this model becomes a normal PR EoS

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = PR78(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = PR78(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Robinson DB, Peng DY. The characterization of the heptanes and heavier fractions for the GPA Peng-Robinson programs. Tulsa: Gas Processors Association; 1978
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = NoAlpha,
mixing = vdW1fRule,
activity = nothing,
translation = PTVTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional)

Model Parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m3/mol]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64)
  • c: Pair Parameter (Float64)


Patel-Teja-Valderrama Equation of state.

P = RT/(v-b) + a•α(T)/((v - Δ₁b)*(v - Δ₂b))
aᵢᵢ = Ωaᵢ(R²Tcᵢ²/Pcᵢ)
bᵢᵢ = Ωbᵢ(R²Tcᵢ/Pcᵢ)
cᵢ = Ωcᵢ(R²Tcᵢ/Pcᵢ)
Zcᵢ = Pcᵢ*Vcᵢ/(R*Tcᵢ)
Ωaᵢ = 0.66121 - 0.76105Zcᵢ
Ωbᵢ = 0.02207 + 0.20868Zcᵢ
Ωcᵢ = 0.57765 - 1.87080Zcᵢ

γ = ∑cᵢxᵢ/∑bᵢxᵢ
δ = 1 + 6γ + γ²
ϵ = 1 + γ

Δ₁ = -(ϵ + √δ)/2
Δ₂ = -(ϵ - √δ)/2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = PTV("water") #single input
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"],alpha = TwuAlpha) #modifying alpha function
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"],translation = RackettTranslation) #modifying translation
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"],mixing = KayRule) #using another mixing rule
model = PTV(["water","ethanol"],mixing = WSRule, activity = NRTL) #using advanced EoS+gᴱ mixing rule

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_alpha = PR78Alpha(["ethane","butane"],userlocations = Dict(:acentricfactor => [0.1,0.2]))
model = PTV(["ethane","butane"],alpha = my_alpha)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = PTV(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cubic/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = PTV(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.], #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.
                        l = [0. 0.01; 0.01 0.])


  1. Valderrama, J. O. (1990). A generalized Patel-Teja equation of state for polar and nonpolar fluids and their mixtures. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 23(1), 87–91. doi:10.1252/jcej.23.87
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
alpha = PR78Alpha,
mixing = PPR78Rule,
activity = nothing,
translation = NoTranslation,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Enhanced Predictive Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Jaubert, J.-N., Privat, R., & Mutelet, F. (2010). Predicting the phase equilibria of synthetic petroleum fluids with the PPR78 approach. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 56(12), 3225–3235. doi:10.1002/aic.12232
  2. Jaubert, J.-N., Qian, J.-W., Lasala, S., & Privat, R. (2022). The impressive impact of including enthalpy and heat capacity of mixing data when parameterising equations of state. Application to the development of the E-PPR78 (Enhanced-Predictive-Peng-Robinson-78) model. Fluid Phase Equilibria, (113456), 113456. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2022.113456
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Universal Mixing Rule Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Voutsas, E., Magoulas, K., & Tassios, D. (2004). Universal mixing rule for cubic equations of state applicable to symmetric and asymmetric systems: Results with the Peng−Robinson equation of state. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(19), 6238–6246. doi:10.1021/ie049580p
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[]
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Volume-translated Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Ahlers, J., & Gmehling, J. (2001). Development of an universal group contribution equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 191(1–2), 177–188. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(01)00626-4
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
estimate_alpha = true,
estimate_translation = true)

translated and consistent Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:

If Twu parameters are not provided, they can be estimated from the acentric factor (acentricfactor). If translation is not provided, it can be estimated, using Rackett compresibility Factor (ZRA) or the acentric factor (acentricfactor).


  1. Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2016). Development of the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state for a safe and accurate prediction of volumetric, energetic and saturation properties of pure compounds in the sub- and super-critical domains. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 429, 301–312. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.09.003
  2. Pina-Martinez, A., Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., Jaubert, J.-N., & Mathias, P. M. (2018). Analysis of the combinations of property data that are suitable for a safe estimation of consistent twu α-function parameters: Updated parameter values for the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63(10), 3980–3988. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.8b00640
  3. Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2022). Use of 300,000 pseudo‐experimental data over 1800 pure fluids to assess the performance of four cubic equations of state: SRK , PR , tc ‐RK , and tc ‐PR. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 68(2). doi:10.1002/aic.17518
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

translated and consistent Peng Robinson equation of state,with an gE mixing rule. it uses the following models:

If Twu parameters are not provided, they can be estimated from the acentric factor (acentricfactor). If translation is not provided, it can be estimated, using Rackett compresibility Factor (ZRA) or the acentric factor (acentricfactor).


  1. Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2016). Development of the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state for a safe and accurate prediction of volumetric, energetic and saturation properties of pure compounds in the sub- and super-critical domains. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 429, 301–312. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.09.003
  2. Pina-Martinez, A., Le Guennec, Y., Privat, R., Jaubert, J.-N., & Mathias, P. M. (2018). Analysis of the combinations of property data that are suitable for a safe estimation of consistent twu α-function parameters: Updated parameter values for the translated-consistent tc-PR and tc-RK cubic equations of state. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63(10), 3980–3988. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.8b00640
  3. Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2022). Use of 300,000 pseudo‐experimental data over 1800 pure fluids to assess the performance of four cubic equations of state: SRK , PR , tc ‐RK , and tc ‐PR. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 68(2). doi:10.1002/aic.17518
  4. Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., Nikolaidis, I. K., Economou, I. G., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2021). What is the optimal activity coefficient model to be combined with the translated–consistent Peng–Robinson equation of state through advanced mixing rules? Cross-comparison and grading of the Wilson, UNIQUAC, and NRTL aE models against a benchmark database involving 200 binary systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(47), 17228–17247. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03003
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
alpha_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],
translation_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

consistent Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Bell, I. H., Satyro, M., & Lemmon, E. W. (2018). Consistent twu parameters for more than 2500 pure fluids from critically evaluated experimental data. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 63(7), 2402–2409. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.7b00967
    idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
    userlocations = String[], 
    ideal_userlocations = String[],
    alpha_userlocations = String[],
    mixing_userlocations = String[],
    activity_userlocations = String[],
    translation_userlocations = String[],
    reference_state = nothing,
    verbose = false)

Quantum-corrected Peng Robinson equation of state. it uses the following models:


  1. Aasen, A., Hammer, M., Lasala, S., Jaubert, J.-N., & Wilhelmsen, Ø. (2020). Accurate quantum-corrected cubic equations of state for helium, neon, hydrogen, deuterium and their mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 524(112790), 112790. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112790

Alpha (α(T)) Models


Interface function used in cubic models. it should return a vector of αᵢ(T).


function α_function(model::CubicModel,V,T,z,alpha_model::RKAlphaModel)
    return 1 ./ sqrt.(T ./ Tc)
NoAlpha(args...) <: NoAlphaModel

Input Parameters



Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for vdW EoS

αᵢ = 1 ∀ i

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
alpha = NoAlpha()
alpha = NoAlpha("water")
alpha = NoAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"])
ClausiusAlpha <: ClausiusAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • none


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for Clausius and [Berthelot]

αᵢ = 1/Trᵢ
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
alpha = ClausiusAlpha()
alpha = ClausiusAlpha("water")
alpha = ClausiusAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"])
RKAlpha <: RKAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • none


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for RK EoS.

αᵢ = 1/√(Trᵢ)
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
alpha = RKAlpha()
alpha = RKAlpha("water")
alpha = RKAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"])
SoaveAlpha <: SoaveAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for SRK EoS.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.480 + 1.547ωᵢ - 0.176ωᵢ^2

To use different polynomial coefficients for mᵢ, overload Clapeyron.α_m(::CubicModel,::SoaveAlphaModel) = (c₁,c₂,...cₙ)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = SoaveAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = SoaveAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = SoaveAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = SoaveAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))
Soave2019Alpha <: SoaveAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Updated m(ω) correlations for PR and SRK with better results for heavy molecules.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ωᵢ - 0.26992ωᵢ^2

where, for Peng-robinson:

mᵢ = 0.3919 + 1.4996ωᵢ - 0.2721ωᵢ^2 + 0.1063ωᵢ^3

and, for Redlich-Kwong:

mᵢ = 0.4810 + 1.5963ωᵢ - 0.2963ωᵢ^2 + 0.1223ωᵢ^3

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = Soave2019Alpha("water") #single input
alpha = Soave2019Alpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = Soave2019Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = Soave2019Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))


  1. Pina-Martinez, A., Privat, R., Jaubert, J.-N., & Peng, D.-Y. (2019). Updated versions of the generalized Soave α-function suitable for the Redlich-Kwong and Peng-Robinson equations of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 485, 264–269. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2018.12.007
PRAlpha <: SoaveAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for PR EoS.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ωᵢ - 0.26992ωᵢ^2

It is equivalent to SoaveAlpha.

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = PRAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = PRAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = PRAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = PRAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))
PR78Alpha <: PR78AlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for PR78 and EPPR78 EoS.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
if ωᵢ ≤ 0.491
    mᵢ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ωᵢ - 0.26992ωᵢ^2
    mᵢ = 0.379642 + 1.487503ωᵢ - 0.164423ωᵢ^2 - 0.016666ωᵢ^3

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = PR78Alpha("water") #single input
alpha = PR78Alpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = PR78Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = PR78Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))
CPAAlpha <: CPAAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for CPA EoS.

αᵢ = (1+c¹ᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = CPAAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = CPAAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = CPAAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","cpa/alpha.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = CPAAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"];userlocations = (;c1 = [0.67,0.76]))
sCPAAlpha <: sCPAAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • c1: Single Parameter


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for sCPA EoS.

αᵢ = (1+c¹ᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = sCPAAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = sCPAAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = sCPAAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","scpa/alpha.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = sCPAAlpha(["water","carbon dioxide"];userlocations = (;c1 = [0.67,0.76]))
MTAlpha <: MTAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Magoulas & Tassios Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for UMRPR EoS.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.384401 + 1.52276ωᵢ - 0.213808ωᵢ^2 + 0.034616ωᵢ^3 - 0.001976ωᵢ^4 

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = MTAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = MTAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = MTAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = MTAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))


  1. Magoulas, K., & Tassios, D. (1990). Thermophysical properties of n-Alkanes from C1 to C20 and their prediction for higher ones. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 56, 119–140. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(90)85098-u
BMAlpha <: BMAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Boston Mathias Cubic alpha (α(T)) model.

if Trᵢ > 1
    αᵢ = (exp((1-2/(2+mᵢ))*(1-Trᵢ^(1+mᵢ/2))))^2
    αᵢ = (1+mᵢ*(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2

Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

for PR models:
    mᵢ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ωᵢ - 0.26992ωᵢ^2
for RK models:
    mᵢ = 0.480 + 1.547ωᵢ - 0.176ωᵢ^2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = BMAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = BMAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = BMAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = BMAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))


  1. .M. Boston, P.M. Mathias, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties in the Chemical Process Industries, West Berlin, March, 1980, pp. 823–849
TwuAlpha <: TwuAlphaModel
Twu91Alpha = TwuAlpha
userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • M: Single Parameter
  • N: Single Parameter
  • L: Single Parameter


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for VTPR EoS. Also known as Twu-91 alpha

αᵢ = Trᵢ^(N*(M-1))*exp(L*(1-Trᵢ^(N*M))
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = TwuAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = Twu91Alpha("water") #same function
alpha = TwuAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = TwuAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","twu.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = TwuAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];
    userlocations = (;L = [0.40453, 156.21],
                    M = [0.95861, -0.0062072],
                    N = [0.8396, 5.047])


  1. Twu, C. H., Lee, L. L., & Starling, K. E. (1980). Improved analytical representation of argon thermodynamic behavior. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 4(1–2), 35–44. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(80)80003-3

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • M: Single Parameter
  • N: Single Parameter (optional)
  • L: Single Parameter

Model Parameters

  • M: Single Parameter
  • N: Single Parameter
  • L: Single Parameter


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Also known as Twu-88 alpha.

αᵢ = Trᵢ^(N*(M-1))*exp(L*(1-Trᵢ^(N*M))
N = 2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

if N is specified, it will be used instead of the default value of 2.

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = Twu88Alpha("water") #single input
alpha = Twu88Alpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = Twu88Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","twu88.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = Twu88Alpha(["neon","hydrogen"];
    userlocations = (;L = [0.40453, 156.21],
                    M = [0.95861, -0.0062072],
                    N = [0.8396, 5.047]) #if we don't pass N, then is assumed N = 2


  1. Twu, C. H., Lee, L. L., & Starling, K. E. (1980). Improved analytical representation of argon thermodynamic behavior. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 4(1–2), 35–44. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(80)80003-3
PatelTejaAlpha <: SoaveAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for PatelTeja EoS.

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ)))^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.452413 + 1.30982ωᵢ - 0.295937ωᵢ^2

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = PatelTejaAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = PatelTejaAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = PatelTejaAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = PatelTejaAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))
KUAlpha <: AlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for KU EoS.

For Tr < 1

αᵢ = (1+mᵢ(1-√(Trᵢ))^nᵢ)^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ
mᵢ = 0.37790 + 1.51959ωᵢ - 0.46904ωᵢ^2 + 0.015679ωᵢ^3
nᵢ = 0.97016 + 0.05495ωᵢ - 0.1293ωᵢ^2 + 0.0172028ωᵢ^3

For Tr > 1 is a 6th order taylor expansion around T = Tc.

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = KUAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = KUAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = KUAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = KUAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))


  1. Kumar, A., & Upadhyay, R. (2021). A new two-parameters cubic equation of state with benefits of three-parameters. Chemical Engineering Science, 229(116045), 116045. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2020.116045
RKPRAlpha <: RKPRAlphaModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Cubic alpha (α(T)) model. Default for RKPR EoS.

αᵢ = (3/(2 + Trᵢ))^kᵢ
kᵢ = (12.504Zc -2.7238) + (7.4513*Zc + 1.9681)ωᵢ + (-2.4407*Zc + 0.0017)ωᵢ^2
Trᵢ = T/Tcᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
alpha = RKPRAlpha("water") #single input
alpha = RKPRAlpha(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
alpha = RKPRAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
alpha = RKPRAlpha(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))

Volume Translation Models


Interface function used in cubic models. it should return a vector of cᵢ. such as Ṽ = V + mixing(c,z)


function α_function(model::CubicModel,V,T,z,translation_model::RackettTranslation)
    Tc = model.params.Tc.values
    Pc = model.params.Pc.values
    Vc = translation_model.params.Vc.values
    R = Clapeyron.R̄
    Zc = Pc .* Vc ./ (R .* Tc)
    c = 0.40768 .* (0.29441 .- Zc) .* R .* Tc ./ Pc
    return c
NoTranslation(args...) <: TranslationModel

Input Parameters



Default volume translation model for cubic models. it performs no translation:

V = V₀ + mixing_rule(cᵢ)
cᵢ = 0 ∀ i

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
translation = NoTranslation()
translation = NoTranslation("water")
translation = NoTranslation(["water","carbon dioxide"])
ConstantTranslation <: ConstantTranslationModel
userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • v_shift: Single Parameter (Float64) - Volume shift [m³/mol]


Constant Translation model for cubics:

V = V₀ + mixing_rule(cᵢ)

where cᵢ is constant. It does not have parameters by default, the volume shifts must be user-supplied.

Model Construction Examples

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
translation = ConstantTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","properties/critical.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
translation = ConstantTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5]))
RackettTranslation <: RackettTranslationModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m³/mol]

Model Parameters

  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m³/mol]
  • v_shift: Single Parameter (Float64) - Volume shift [m³/mol]


Rackett Translation model for cubics:

V = V₀ + mixing_rule(cᵢ)
cᵢ = 0.40768*RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ*(0.29441-Zcᵢ)
Zcᵢ = Pcᵢ*Vcᵢ/(RTcᵢ)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
translation = RackettTranslation("water") #single input
translation = RackettTranslation(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
translation = RackettTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/Vc.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
translation = RackettTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5]))


  1. Rackett, H. G. (1970). Equation of state for saturated liquids. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 15(4), 514–517. doi:10.1021/je60047a012
PenelouxTranslation <: PenelouxTranslationModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m³/mol]

Model Parameters

  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Volume [m³/mol]
  • v_shift: Single Parameter (Float64) - Volume shift [m³/mol]


Peneloux Translation model for cubics:

V = V₀ + mixing_rule(cᵢ)
cᵢ = -0.252*RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ*(1.5448Zcᵢ - 0.4024)
Zcᵢ = Pcᵢ*Vcᵢ/(RTcᵢ)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
translation = PenelouxTranslation("water") #single input
translation = PenelouxTranslation(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
translation = PenelouxTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/Vc.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
translation = PenelouxTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5]))


  1. Péneloux A, Rauzy E, Fréze R. (1982) A consistent correction for Redlich‐Kwong‐Soave volumes. Fluid Phase Equilibria 1, 8(1), 7–23. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(82)80002-2

MTTranslation <: MTTranslationModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters

  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64)


Magoulas Tassios Translation model for cubics:

V = V₀ + mixing_rule(cᵢ)
cᵢ = T₀ᵢ+(T̄cᵢ-T̄₀ᵢ)*exp(β*abs(1-Trᵢ))
Trᵢ = T/T̄cᵢ
T̄cᵢ = (RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ)*(0.3074-Zcᵢ)
T̄₀ᵢ = (RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ)*(-0.014471 + 0.067498ωᵢ - 0.084852ωᵢ^2 + 0.067298ωᵢ^3 - 0.017366ωᵢ^4)
Zcᵢ = 0.289 - 0.0701ωᵢ - 0.0207ωᵢ^2
βᵢ  = -10.2447 - 28.6312ωᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
translation = MTTranslation("water") #single input
translation = MTTranslation(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
translation = MTTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical/acentric.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
translation = MTTranslation(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]))


  1. Magoulas, K., & Tassios, D. (1990). Thermophysical properties of n-Alkanes from C1 to C20 and their prediction for higher ones. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 56, 119–140. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(90)85098-u

Mixing Rule Models

vdW1fRule <: vdW1fRuleModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters



van der Wals One-Fluid mixing rule for cubic parameters:

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
ā = ∑aᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ√(αᵢ(T)αⱼ(T))
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
mixing = vdW1fRule()
mixing = vdW1fRule("water")
mixing = vdW1fRule(["water","carbon dioxide"])
KayRule <: KayRuleModel

userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters



Kay mixing rule for cubic parameters:

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
ā = b̄*(∑[aᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ√(αᵢ(T)αⱼ(T))/bᵢⱼ])^2
b̄ = (∑∛(bᵢⱼ)xᵢxⱼ)^3
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ

Model Construction Examples

# Because this model does not have parameters, all those constructors are equivalent:
mixing = KayRule()
mixing = KayRule("water")
mixing = KayRule(["water","carbon dioxide"])
HVRule{γ} <: HVRuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Huron-Vidal Mixing Rule

b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā = b̄(∑[xᵢaᵢᵢαᵢ/(bᵢᵢ)] - gᴱ/λ)
for Redlich-Kwong:
    λ = log(2) (0.6931471805599453)
for Peng-Robinson:
    λ = 1/(2√(2))log((2+√(2))/(2-√(2))) (0.6232252401402305)

λ is a coefficient indicating the relation between gᴱ and gᴱ(cubic) at infinite pressure. see [1] for more information. it can be customized by defining HV_λ(::HVRuleModel,::CubicModel,z)


  1. Huron, M.-J., & Vidal, J. (1979). New mixing rules in simple equations of state for representing vapour-liquid equilibria of strongly non-ideal mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 3(4), 255–271. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(79)80001-1

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = HVRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = HVRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = HVRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = HVRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = HVRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = HVRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])
MHV1Rule{γ} <: MHV1RuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Modified Huron-Vidal Mixing Rule, First Order

bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā = b̄RT(∑[xᵢaᵢᵢαᵢ/(RTbᵢᵢ)] - [gᴱ/RT + ∑log(bᵢᵢ/b̄)]/q)

if the model is Peng-Robinson:
    q = 0.53
if the model is Redlich-Kwong:
    q = 0.593

to use different values for q, overload Clapeyron.MHV1q(::CubicModel,::MHV1Model) = q

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = MHV1Rule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Michelsen, M. L. (1990). A modified Huron-Vidal mixing rule for cubic equations of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 60(1–2), 213–219. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(90)85053-d
MHV2Rule{γ} <: MHV2RuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Modified Huron-Vidal Mixing Rule, Second Order.

bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ᾱᵢ  = aᵢαᵢ/bᵢRT
ċ = -q₁*Σᾱᵢxᵢ - q₂*Σᾱᵢxᵢ^2 - gᴱ/RT - ∑log(bᵢᵢ/b̄)
ā = (-q₁ - √(q₁^2 - 4q₂ċ))/(2q₂)

if the model is Peng-Robinson:
    q₁ = -0.4347, q₂ = -0.003654
if the model is Redlich-Kwong:
    q₁ = -0.4783, q₂ = -0.0047

to use different values for q₁ and q₂, overload Clapeyron.MHV1q(::CubicModel,::MHV2Model) = (q₁,q₂)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = MHV2Rule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = MHV2Rule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = MHV2Rule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = MHV2Rule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = MHV2Rule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = MHV1Rule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Michelsen, M. L. (1990). A modified Huron-Vidal mixing rule for cubic equations of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 60(1–2), 213–219. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(90)85053-d
LCVMRule{γ} <: LCVMRuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Linear Combination of Vidal and Michaelsen (LCVM) Mixing Rule

bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ᾱᵢ  = aᵢαᵢ/bᵢRT
ċ = -q₁*Σᾱᵢxᵢ - q₂*Σᾱᵢxᵢ^2 - gᴱ/RT - ∑log(bᵢᵢ/b̄)
ā = b̄RT(-1.827[gᴱ/RT - 0.3∑log(bᵢᵢ/b̄)] + Σᾱᵢxᵢ)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = LCVMRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = LCVMRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = LCVMRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = LCVMRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = LCVMRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = LCVMRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Boukouvalas, C., Spiliotis, N., Coutsikos, P., Tzouvaras, N., & Tassios, D. (1994). Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium with the LCVM model: a linear combination of the Vidal and Michelsen mixing rules coupled with the original UNIFAC. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 92, 75–106. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(94)80043-x
WSRule{γ} <: WSRuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Wong-Sandler Mixing Rule.

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
B̄ = ΣxᵢxⱼB̄ᵢⱼ
B̄ᵢⱼ = (1 - kᵢⱼ)((bᵢ - aᵢ/RT) + (bⱼ - aⱼ/RT))/2
b̄  = B̄/(1 - gᴱ/λRT - Σxᵢaᵢαᵢ/bᵢRT)
ā = RT(b̄ - B̄)
for Redlich-Kwong:
    λ = log(2) (0.6931471805599453)
for Peng-Robinson:
    λ = 1/(2√(2))log((2+√(2))/(2-√(2))) (0.6232252401402305)

λ is a coefficient indicating the relation between gᴱ and gᴱ(cubic) at infinite pressure. see [1] for more information. it can be customized by defining WS_λ(::WSRuleModel,::CubicModel)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = WSRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = WSRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = WSRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = WSRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = WSRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = WSRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Wong, D. S. H., & Sandler, S. I. (1992). A theoretically correct mixing rule for cubic equations of state. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 38(5), 671–680. doi:10.1002/aic.690380505
modWSRule{γ} <: WSRuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


modified Wong-Sandler Mixing Rule.

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (bᵢ + bⱼ)/2
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
B̄ = Σxᵢxⱼ(bᵢⱼ - aᵢⱼ√(αᵢαⱼ)/RT)
b̄  = B̄/(1 - gᴱ/λRT - Σxᵢaᵢαᵢ/bᵢRT)
ā = RT(b̄ - B̄)
for Redlich-Kwong:
    λ = log(2) (0.6931471805599453)
for Peng-Robinson:
    λ = 1/(2√(2))log((2+√(2))/(2-√(2))) (0.6232252401402305)

λ is a coefficient indicating the relation between gᴱ and gᴱ(cubic) at infinite pressure. see [1] for more information. it can be customized by defining WS_λ(::WSRuleModel,::CubicModel,z)

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = modWSRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: Wilson Activity Coefficient.
mixing = modWSRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = modWSRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = modWSRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = modWSRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = modWSRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Wong, D. S. H., & Sandler, S. I. (1992). A theoretically correct mixing rule for cubic equations of state. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 38(5), 671–680. doi:10.1002/aic.690380505
  2. Orbey, H., & Sandler, S. I. (1995). Reformulation of Wong-Sandler mixing rule for cubic equations of state. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 41(3), 683–690. doi:10.1002/aic.690410325
VTPRRule{γ} <: VTPRRuleModel

activity = UNIFAC,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Mixing Rule used by the Volume-translated Peng-Robinson VTPR equation of state. only works with activity models that define an excess residual gibbs energy function Clapeyron.excess_g_res(model,P,T,z) function (like UNIQUAC and UNIFAC models)

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1-kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = ((bᵢ^(3/4) + bⱼ^(3/4))/2)^(4/3)
log(γʳ)ᵢ = lnγ_res(model.activity,V,T,z)
gᴱᵣₑₛ = ∑RTlog(γʳ)ᵢxᵢ
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā = b̄RT(∑[xᵢaᵢᵢαᵢ/(RTbᵢᵢ)] - gᴱᵣₑₛ/(0.53087RT))

Model Construction Examples

# Note: this model was meant to be used exclusively with the VTPRUNIFAC activity model.

# Using the default database
mixing = VTPRRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: VTPRUNIFAC Activity Coefficient.
mixing = VTPRRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model
mixing = VTPRRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Ahlers, J., & Gmehling, J. (2001). Development of an universal group contribution equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 191(1–2), 177–188. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(01)00626-4
PSRKRule{γ} <: MHV1RuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Mixing Rule used by the Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong PSRK EoS, derived from the First Order modified Huron-Vidal Mixing Rule.

Model Construction Examples

# Note: this model was meant to be used exclusively with the PSRKUNIFAC activity model.

# Using the default database
mixing = PSRKRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: PSRKUNIFAC Activity Coefficient.
mixing = PSRKRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model
mixing = PSRKRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = PSRKRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = PSRKRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = PSRKRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])
UMRRule{γ} <: UMRRuleModel

activity = UNIFAC,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Mixing Rule used by the Universal Mixing Rule Peng-Robinson UMRPR equation of state.

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)((√bᵢ +√bⱼ)/2)^2
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā = b̄RT(∑[xᵢaᵢᵢαᵢ/(RTbᵢᵢ)] - [gᴱ/RT]/0.53)

## Model Construction Examples

Note: this model was meant to be used exclusively with the UNIFAC activity model.

Using the default database

mixing = VTPRRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: UNIFAC Activity Coefficient. mixing = VTPRRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = NRTL) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model mixing = VTPRRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = ogUNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

Passing a prebuilt model

actmodel = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])) mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = actmodel)

Using user-provided parameters

Passing files or folders

mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activityuserlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtlge.csv"])

Passing parameters directly

mixing = VTPRRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0], b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]) )

QCPRRule <: MHV2RuleModel

activity = Wilson,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Quantum-Corrected Mixing Rule, used by QCPR EoS:

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)(1 - kᵢⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(bqᵢ + bqⱼ)/2
bqᵢ = bᵢβᵢ(T)
βᵢ(T) = (1 + Aᵢ/(T + Bᵢ))^3 / (1 + Aᵢ/(Tcᵢ + Bᵢ))^3
ā = ∑aᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ√(αᵢ(T)αⱼ(T))
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ


  1. Aasen, A., Hammer, M., Lasala, S., Jaubert, J.-N., & Wilhelmsen, Ø. (2020). Accurate quantum-corrected cubic equations of state for helium, neon, hydrogen, deuterium and their mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 524(112790), 112790. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112790
PPR78Rule <: PPR78RuleModel

userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[]

Input Parameters

  • A: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Fitted Parameter [K]
  • B: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Fitted Parameter [K]


PPR78 Mixing Rule, Uses E-PPR78 Group params. Default for EPPR78 EoS.

aᵢⱼ = √(aᵢaⱼ)
bᵢⱼ = (bᵢ +bⱼ)/2
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā = b̄(∑[xᵢaᵢαᵢ/(bᵢᵢ)] - ∑xᵢxⱼbᵢbⱼEᵢⱼ/2b̄)
Eᵢⱼ = ∑(z̄ᵢₖ - z̄ⱼₖ)(z̄ᵢₗ - z̄ⱼₗ) × Aₖₗ × (298.15/T)^(Aₖₗ/Bₖₗ - 1)


  1. Jaubert, J.-N., Privat, R., & Mutelet, F. (2010). Predicting the phase equilibria of synthetic petroleum fluids with the PPR78 approach. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 56(12), 3225–3235. doi:10.1002/aic.12232
  2. Jaubert, J.-N., Qian, J.-W., Lasala, S., & Privat, R. (2022). The impressive impact of including enthalpy and heat capacity of mixing data when parameterising equations of state. Application to the development of the E-PPR78 (Enhanced-Predictive-Peng-Robinson-78) model. Fluid Phase Equilibria, (113456), 113456. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2022.113456
gErRule{γ} <: gErRuleModel

activity = NRTL,
userlocations = String[],
activity_userlocations = String[],

Input Parameters


Input models

  • activity: Activity Model


Mixing rule that uses the residual part of the activity coefficient model:

bᵢⱼ = ( (bᵢ^(2/3) + bⱼ^(2/3)) / 2 )^(3/2)
b̄ = ∑bᵢⱼxᵢxⱼ
c̄ = ∑cᵢxᵢ
ā/b̄ = b̄RT*(∑xᵢaᵢ/bᵢ + gᴱᵣ/Λ
Λ = 1/(r₂ - r₁) * log((1 - r₂)/(1 - r₁))

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
mixing = gErRule(["water","carbon dioxide"]) #default: NRTL Activity Coefficient.
mixing = gErRule(["water","carbon dioxide"],activity = Wilson) #passing another Activity Coefficient Model.
mixing = gErRule([("ethane",["CH3" => 2]),("butane",["CH2" => 2,"CH3" => 2])],activity = UNIFAC) #passing a GC Activity Coefficient Model.

# Passing a prebuilt model

act_model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0], c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0]))
mixing = gErRule(["water","ethanol"],activity = act_model)

# Using user-provided parameters

# Passing files or folders
mixing = gErRule(["water","ethanol"]; activity = NRTL, activity_userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])

# Passing parameters directly
mixing = gErRule(["water","ethanol"];
                activity = NRTL,
                userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
                    b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
                    c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])


  1. Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., Nikolaidis, I. K., Economou, I. G., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2021). What is the optimal activity coefficient model to be combined with the translated–consistent Peng–Robinson equation of state through advanced mixing rules? Cross-comparison and grading of the Wilson, UNIQUAC, and NRTL aE models against a benchmark database involving 200 binary systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(47), 17228–17247. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03003