Extensions – CoolProp

Clapeyron.jl supports using all the single fluid helmholtz models available in CoolProp, by loading the corresponding JSON data into a SingleFluid or MultiFluid model.

# let's try to load the R134a fluid model available in CoolProp
julia> model = SingleFluid("r134a")
ERROR: cannot found component file pentane.
Try loading the CoolProp library (`using CoolProp`).

julia> using CoolProp  # the CoolProp extension is loaded automatically when CoolProp is loaded

julia> model = SingleFluid("r134a")
MultiParameter Equation of state for pentane:
 Polynomial power terms: 5
 Exponential terms: 6
 Gaussian bell-shaped terms: 5

The properties calculated by Clapeyron.jl match the ones calculated by CoolProp:

julia> mass_density(model,1e5,200.0)

julia> PropsSI("D","P",1e5,"T",200.0,"R134a")

For ideal properties, the SingleFluidIdeal and EmpiricIdeal models are available. Those models can be combined with another residual model:

# reference equations of state, ideal part
id = MultiFluidIdeal(["r134a","carbon dioxide"])
# PCSAFT for the mixture model
model = PCSAFT(["r134a","carbon dioxide"],idealmodel = id)