Activity Models
There are two alternatives on the definition of an activity model:
- Defining an excess Gibbs energy function
- Defining an activity coefficient function
those two can be converted between one form to another via:
$\gamma_{i} = \frac{\partial{G^E}}{\partial{n_i}}$
$\ln{\gamma_{i}} = \frac{1}{RT}\frac{\partial{G^E}}{\partial{n_i}}$
When defining one form, the other is derived automatically.
Those functions can also be derived from any arbitrary equation of state:
$\frac{\partial{G^E}}{\partial{n_i}}= \mu_i - \mu^{0}_i$
Where $\mu_i$ and $\mu^{0}_i$ are the mixture and pure chemical potentials of component $i$. In this case, those potentials are dependent of the pressure, whereas activity models are usually only temperature and composition dependent.
— TypeWilson <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Critical Temperature[K]
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Critical Pressure[Pa]
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Acentric FactorMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Molecular Weight[g/mol]
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameter
model parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Critical Temperature[K]
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Critical Pressure[Pa]
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Rackett compresibility factorMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Molecular Weight[g/mol]
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
Wilson activity model, with Rackett correlation for liquid volume:
Gᴱ = nRT∑xᵢlog(∑xⱼjΛᵢⱼ)
Λᵢⱼ = exp(-gᵢⱼ/T)*Vⱼ/Vᵢ
ZRAᵢ = 0.29056 - 0.08775ωᵢ
Vᵢ = (RTcᵢ/Pcᵢ)ZRAᵢ^(1 + (1-T/Tcᵢ)^2/7)
Model Construction Examples
# Using the default database
model = Wilson(["water","ethanol"]) #Default pure model: PR
model = Wilson(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = BasicIdeal) #Using Ideal Gas for pure model properties
model = Wilson(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = PCSAFT) #Using Real Gas model for pure model properties
# Passing a prebuilt model
my_puremodel = AbbottVirial(["water","ethanol"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical.csv"])
mixing = Wilson(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = my_puremodel)
# Using user-provided parameters
# Passing files or folders
model = Wilson(["water","ethanol"];userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","wilson.csv"])
# Passing parameters directly
model = Wilson(["water","ethanol"],
userlocations = (g = [0.0 3988.52; 1360.117 0.0],
Tc = [647.13, 513.92],
Pc = [2.19e7, 6.12e6],
acentricfactor = [0.343, 0.643],
Mw = [18.015, 46.069])
- Wilson, G. M. (1964). Vapor-liquid equilibrium. XI. A new expression for the excess free energy of mixing. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 86(2), 127–130. doi:10.1021/ja01056a002
— TypeNRTL <: ActivityModel
function NRTL(components;
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameterb
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameterc
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction ParameterMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) (Optional) - Molecular Weight[g/mol]
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
NRTL (Non Random Two Fluid) activity model:
Gᴱ = nRT∑[xᵢ(∑τⱼᵢGⱼᵢxⱼ)/(∑Gⱼᵢxⱼ)]
Gᵢⱼ exp(-cᵢⱼτᵢⱼ)
τᵢⱼ = aᵢⱼ + bᵢⱼ/T
Model Construction Examples
# Using the default database
model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"]) #Default pure model: PR
model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = BasicIdeal) #Using Ideal Gas for pure model properties
model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = PCSAFT) #Using Real Gas model for pure model properties
# Passing a prebuilt model
my_puremodel = AbbottVirial(["water","ethanol"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical.csv"])
mixing = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = my_puremodel)
# Using user-provided parameters
# Passing files or folders
model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"];userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl_ge.csv"])
# Passing parameters directly
model = NRTL(["water","ethanol"],
userlocations = (a = [0.0 3.458; -0.801 0.0],
b = [0.0 -586.1; 246.2 0.0],
c = [0.0 0.3; 0.3 0.0])
- Renon, H., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1968). Local compositions in thermodynamic excess functions for liquid mixtures. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 14(1), 135–144. doi:10.1002/aic.690140124
— TypeaspenNRTL <: ActivityModel
function aspenNRTL(components;
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parametera1
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parametert0
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parametert1
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parametert2
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parametert3
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
NRTL (Non Random Two Fluid) activity model:
Gᴱ = nRT∑[xᵢ(∑τⱼᵢGⱼᵢxⱼ)/(∑Gⱼᵢxⱼ)]
Gᵢⱼ exp(-αᵢⱼτᵢⱼ)
αᵢⱼ = αᵢⱼ₀ + αᵢⱼ₁T
τᵢⱼ = tᵢⱼ₀ + tᵢⱼ₁/T + tᵢⱼ₂*ln(T) + tᵢⱼ₃*T
Model Construction Examples
# Using the default database
model = aspenNRTL(["water","ethanol"]) #Default pure model: PR
model = aspenNRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = BasicIdeal) #Using Ideal Gas for pure model properties
model = aspenNRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = PCSAFT) #Using Real Gas model for pure model properties
# Passing a prebuilt model
my_puremodel = AbbottVirial(["water","ethanol"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical.csv"])
mixing = aspenNRTL(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = my_puremodel)
# Using user-provided parameters
# Passing files or folders
model = aspenNRTL(["water","ethanol"];userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","nrtl.csv"])
# Passing parameters directly
model = aspenNRTL(["water","acetone"],
userlocations = (a0 = [0.0 0.228632; 0.228632 0.0],
a1 = [0.0 0.000136; 0.000136 0.0],
t0 = [0.0 13.374756; 16.081848 0.0],
t1 = [0.0 -415.527344; -88.8125 0.0],
t2 = [0.0 -1.913689; -2.930901 0.0],
t3 = [0.0 0.00153; 0.005305 0.0])
- Renon, H., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1968). Local compositions in thermodynamic excess functions for liquid mixtures. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 14(1), 135–144. doi:10.1002/aic.690140124
— TypeUNIQUACModel <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary Interaction Energy Parameterr
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized Van der Vals volumeq
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized Surface Areaq_p
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Modified Normalized Surface AreaMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Molecular Weight[g/mol]
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIQUAC (Universal QuasiChemical Activity Coefficients) activity model:
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(comb) + gᴱ(res))
gᴱ(comb) = ∑[xᵢlog(Φᵢ/xᵢ) + 5qᵢxᵢlog(θᵢ/Φᵢ)]
gᴱ(res) = -∑xᵢqᵖᵢlog(∑θᵖⱼτⱼᵢ)
θᵢ = qᵢxᵢ/∑qᵢxᵢ
θᵖ = qᵖᵢxᵢ/∑qᵖᵢxᵢ
Φᵢ = rᵢxᵢ/∑rᵢxᵢ
τᵢⱼ = exp(-aᵢⱼ/T)
Model Construction Examples
# Using the default database
model = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"]) #Default pure model: PR
model = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = BasicIdeal) #Using Ideal Gas for pure model properties
model = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = PCSAFT) #Using Real Gas model for pure model properties
# Passing a prebuilt model
my_puremodel = AbbottVirial(["water","ethanol"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical.csv"])
mixing = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = my_puremodel)
# Using user-provided parameters
# Passing files or folders
model = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"];userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","uniquac_ge.csv"])
# Passing parameters directly
model = UNIQUAC(["water","ethanol"],
userlocations = (a = [0.0 378.1; 258.4 0.0],
r = [0.92, 2.11],
q = [1.4, 1.97],
q_p = [1.0, 0.92],
Mw = [18.015, 46.069])
- Abrams, D. S., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1975). Statistical thermodynamics of liquid mixtures: A new expression for the excess Gibbs energy of partly or completely miscible systems. AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 21(1), 116–128. doi:10.1002/aic.690210115
— TypeogUNIFACModel <: UNIFACModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) activity model.
Original formulation.
The Combinatorial part corresponds to an GC-averaged modified UNIQUAC model. The residual part iterates over groups instead of components.
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(comb) + gᴱ(res))
Combinatorial part:
gᴱ(comb) = ∑[xᵢlog(Φᵢ/xᵢ) + 5qᵢxᵢlog(θᵢ/Φᵢ)]
θᵢ = qᵢxᵢ/∑qᵢxᵢ
Φᵢ = rᵢxᵢ/∑rᵢxᵢ
rᵢ = ∑Rₖνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups
qᵢ = ∑Qₖνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups
Residual Part:
gᴱ(residual) = -v̄∑XₖQₖlog(∑ΘₘΨₘₖ)
v̄ = ∑∑xᵢνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups, for i ∈ components
Xₖ = (∑xᵢνᵢₖ)/v̄ for i ∈ components
Θₖ = QₖXₖ/∑QₖXₖ
Ψₖₘ = exp(-(Aₖₘ/T)
- Fredenslund, A., Gmehling, J., Michelsen, M. L., Rasmussen, P., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1977). Computerized design of multicomponent distillation columns using the UNIFAC group contribution method for calculation of activity coefficients. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 16(4), 450–462. doi:10.1021/i260064a004
— TypeogUNIFACModel <: UNIFACModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC 2.0 (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) activity model. Original formulation. The method is identical to ogUNIFAC
but with a new parameters fitted by matrix completion methods.
- Hayer, N., Wendel, T., Mandt, S., Hasse, H., Jirasek, F., Advancing Thermodynamic Group-Contribution Methods by Machine Learning: UNIFAC 2.0, Chemical Engineering Journal 504 (2025) 158667. 10.1016/j.cej.2024.158667.
— TypeUNIFACModel <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterB
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterC
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) activity model. Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund) implementation. The Combinatorial part corresponds to an GC-averaged modified UNIQUAC
model. The residual part iterates over groups instead of components.
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(comb) + gᴱ(res))
Combinatorial part:
gᴱ(comb) = ∑[xᵢlog(Φ'ᵢ) + 5qᵢxᵢlog(θᵢ/Φᵢ)]
θᵢ = qᵢxᵢ/∑qᵢxᵢ
Φᵢ = rᵢxᵢ/∑rᵢxᵢ
Φ'ᵢ = rᵢ^(0.75)/∑xᵢrᵢ^(0.75)
rᵢ = ∑Rₖνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups
qᵢ = ∑Qₖνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups
Residual Part:
gᴱ(residual) = -v̄∑XₖQₖlog(∑ΘₘΨₘₖ)
v̄ = ∑∑xᵢνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups, for i ∈ components
Xₖ = (∑xᵢνᵢₖ)/v̄ for i ∈ components
Θₖ = QₖXₖ/∑QₖXₖ
Ψₖₘ = exp(-(Aₖₘ + BₖₘT + CₖₘT²)/T)
- Fredenslund, A., Gmehling, J., Michelsen, M. L., Rasmussen, P., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1977). Computerized design of multicomponent distillation columns using the UNIFAC group contribution method for calculation of activity coefficients. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 16(4), 450–462. doi:10.1021/i260064a004
- Weidlich, U.; Gmehling, J. A modified UNIFAC model. 1. Prediction of VLE, hE, and.gamma..infin. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987, 26, 1372–1381.
List of groups available
Name | Description |
CH3 | Methyl group |
CH2 | Methylene group |
CH | |
C | |
CH2=CH | |
CH=CH | |
CH2=C | |
CH=C | |
ACH | Aromatic CH |
AC | |
ACCH3 | |
ACCH2 | |
ACCH | |
OH (P) | Primary alcohol |
CH3OH | Methanol |
H2O | Water |
ACOH | |
CH3CO | Methyl ketone |
CH2CO | Methylene ketone |
CHO | |
CH3COO | Acetate group |
CH2COO | |
HCOO | |
CH3O | Methoxy group |
CH2O | |
CHO | |
THF | Tetrahydrofuran |
CH3NH2 | Methylamine |
CH2NH2 | |
CHNH2 | |
CH3NH | |
CH2NH | |
CHNH | |
CH3N | |
CH2N | |
ACNH2 | |
AC2H2N | |
AC2HN | |
AC2N | |
CH3CN | Acetonitrile |
CH2CN | |
COO | Ester group |
COOH | Carboxylate group |
HCOOH | Formic acid |
CH2CL | |
CHCL | |
CCL | |
CH2CL2 | Dichloromethane |
CHCL2 | |
CCL2 | |
CHCL3 | Chloroform |
CCL3 | |
CCL4 | Carbon tetrachloride |
ACCL | |
CH3NO2 | Nitromethane |
CH2NO2 | |
CHNO2 | |
ACNO2 | |
CS2 | Carbon disulfide |
CH3SH | Methanethiol |
CH2SH | |
FURFURAL | Furfural |
DOH | |
I | Iodine group |
BR | Bromine group |
CH=-C | |
C=-C | |
DMSO | Dimethyl sulfoxide |
ACRY | Acrylate |
CL-(C=C) | |
C=C | |
ACF | |
DMF | Dimethylformamide |
HCON(CH2)2 | |
CF3 | |
CF2 | |
CF | |
CY-CH2 | Cycloalkane group |
CY-CH | |
CY-C | |
OH (S) | Second hydroxyl group |
OH (T) | Tertiary hydroxyl group |
CY-CH2O | |
TRIOXAN | Trioxane |
CNH2 | |
NMP | N-Methylpyrrolidone |
NEP | |
NIPP | |
NTBP | |
CONH2 | |
— TypeUNIFACModel <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterB
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterC
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC 2.0 activity model. Modified UNIFAC 2.0 (Dortmund) implementation. The method is identical to UNIFAC
but with a new parameters fitted by matrix completion methods.
- Hayer, N., Hasse, H., Jirasek, F., Modified UNIFAC 2.0 - A Group-Contribution Method Completed with Machine Learning. Arxive preprint (2024). 10.48550/arXiv.2412.12962
— TypePSRKUNIFAC(components;
puremodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterB
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterC
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) activity model.
Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund) implementation, with parameters tuned to the Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong (PSRK) EoS.
- Fredenslund, A., Gmehling, J., Michelsen, M. L., Rasmussen, P., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1977). Computerized design of multicomponent distillation columns using the UNIFAC group contribution method for calculation of activity coefficients. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 16(4), 450–462. doi:10.1021/i260064a004
- Weidlich, U.; Gmehling, J. A modified UNIFAC model. 1. Prediction of VLE, hE, and.gamma..infin. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987, 26, 1372–1381.
- Horstmann, S., Jabłoniec, A., Krafczyk, J., Fischer, K., & Gmehling, J. (2005). PSRK group contribution equation of state: comprehensive revision and extension IV, including critical constants and α-function parameters for 1000 components. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 227(2), 157–164. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2004.11.002"
puremodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterB
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterC
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy Parameter
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) activity model.
Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund) implementation, only residual part, activity model used for the Volume-Translated Peng-Robinson (VTPR) EoS.
The residual part iterates over groups instead of components.
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(res))
gᴱ(res) = -v̄∑XₖQₖlog(∑ΘₘΨₘₖ)
v̄ = ∑∑xᵢνᵢₖ for k ∈ groups, for i ∈ components
Xₖ = (∑xᵢνᵢₖ)/v̄ for i ∈ components
Θₖ = QₖXₖ/∑QₖXₖ
Ψₖₘ = exp(-(Aₖₘ + BₖₘT + CₖₘT²)/T)
- Fredenslund, A., Gmehling, J., Michelsen, M. L., Rasmussen, P., & Prausnitz, J. M. (1977). Computerized design of multicomponent distillation columns using the UNIFAC group contribution method for calculation of activity coefficients. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 16(4), 450–462. "doi:10.1021/i260064a004"
- Weidlich, U.; Gmehling, J. A modified UNIFAC model. 1. Prediction of VLE, hE, and.gamma..infin. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987, 26, 1372–1381.
- Ahlers, J., & Gmehling, J. (2001). Development of an universal group contribution equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 191(1–2), 177–188. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(01)00626-4
— TypeUNIFACFVModel <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - specific volume of species[g/cm^3]
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Molecular weight of groups
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFACFV (UNIFAC Free Volume) activity model. specialized for solvent-polymer mixtures
The Combinatorial part corresponds to an GC-averaged modified UNIQUAC
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(comb) + gᴱ(res) + gᴱ(FV))
— TypeUNIFACFVPolyModel <: ActivityModel
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - specific volume of species[g/cm^3]
Single Parameter (Float64
) - number of external degrees of freedom per solvent moleculeR
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Van der Vals volumeQ
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Normalized group Surface AreaA
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Binary group Interaction Energy ParameterMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) - Molecular weight of groups
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
UNIFAC-FV (polymer) (UNIFAC Free Volume) activity model. specialized for polymer blends
The Combinatorial part corresponds to an GC-averaged modified UNIQUAC
Gᴱ = nRT(gᴱ(comb) + gᴱ(res) + gᴱ(FV))
— TypetcPRWilsonRes <: WilsonModel
puremodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: Pair Parameter (Float64
, asymetrical, defaults to0
) - Interaction Parameterv
: Single Parameter (optional) (Float64
) - individual volumes.
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
tc-PR-Wilson residual activity model, meant to used in combination with the tc-PR cubic EoS:
Gᴱᵣ = nRT( ∑xᵢlog(∑xⱼjΛᵢⱼ) - ∑xᵢ*(log(vᵢ/v) )
Λᵢⱼ = exp(-gᵢⱼ/T)*Vⱼ/Vᵢ
Model Construction Examples
# Using the default database
model = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"]) #Default pure model: PR
model = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = BasicIdeal) #Using Ideal Gas for pure model properties
model = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = PCSAFT) #Using Real Gas model for pure model properties
# Passing a prebuilt model
my_puremodel = AbbottVirial(["water","ethanol"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","critical.csv"])
mixing = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"],puremodel = my_puremodel)
# Using user-provided parameters
# Passing files or folders
model = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"];userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","tcpr_wilson.csv"])
# Passing parameters directly
model = tcPRWilsonRes(["water","ethanol"],userlocations = (;g = [0.0 3988.52; 1360.117 0.0]))
- Wilson, G. M. (1964). Vapor-liquid equilibrium. XI. A new expression for the excess free energy of mixing. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 86(2), 127–130. doi:10.1021/ja01056a002
- Piña-Martinez, A., Privat, R., Nikolaidis, I. K., Economou, I. G., & Jaubert, J.-N. (2021). What is the optimal activity coefficient model to be combined with the translated–consistent Peng–Robinson equation of state through advanced mixing rules? Cross-comparison and grading of the Wilson, UNIQUAC, and NRTL aE models against a benchmark database involving 200 binary systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(47), 17228–17247. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03003
— TypeCOSMOSAC02(components;
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters:
:Single Parameter{String}V
: Single Parameter{Float64}A
: Single Parameter{Float64}
An activity coefficient model using molecular solvation based on the COSMO-RS method.
- Klamt, A. (1995). Conductor-like screening model for real solvents: A new approach to the quantitative calculation of solvation phenomena. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(7), 2224–2235. doi:10.1021/j100007a062
- Lin, S-T. & Sandler, S.I. (2002). A priori phase equilibrium prediction from a segment contribution solvation model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(5), 899–913. doi:10.1021/ie001047w
— TypeCOSMOSAC10(components;
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters:
:Single Parameter{String}POH
:Single Parameter{String}POT
:Single Parameter{String}V
: Single Parameter{Float64}A
: Single Parameter{Float64}
An activity coefficient model using molecular solvation based on the COSMO-RS method. Sigma profiles are now split by non-hydrogen bonding, hydrogen acceptor and hydrogen donor.
- Klamt, A. (1995). Conductor-like screening model for real solvents: A new approach to the quantitative calculation of solvation phenomena. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(7), 2224–2235. doi:10.1021/j100007a062
- Lin, S-T. & Sandler, S.I. (2002). A priori phase equilibrium prediction from a segment contribution solvation model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(5), 899–913. doi:10.1021/ie001047w
- Hsieh, C-H., Sandler, S.I., & Lin, S-T. (2010). Improvements of COSMO-SAC for vapor–liquid and liquid–liquid equilibrium predictions. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 297(1), 90-97. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.06.011
— TypeCOSMOSACdsp(components;
puremodel = PR,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters:
:Single Parameter{String}POH
:Single Parameter{String}POT
:Single Parameter{String}V
: Single Parameter{Float64}A
: Single Parameter{Float64}epsilon
: Single Parameter{Float64}COOH
: Single Parameter{Float64}water
: Single Parameter{Float64}hb_acc
: Single Parameter{Float64}hb_don
: Single Parameter{Float64}
An activity coefficient model using molecular solvation based on the COSMO-RS method. Sigma profiles are now split by non-hydrogen bonding, hydrogen acceptor and hydrogen donor. A dispersive correction is included.
- Klamt, A. (1995). Conductor-like screening model for real solvents: A new approach to the quantitative calculation of solvation phenomena. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(7), 2224–2235. doi:10.1021/j100007a062
- Lin, S-T. & Sandler, S.I. (2002). A priori phase equilibrium prediction from a segment contribution solvation model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(5), 899–913. doi:10.1021/ie001047w
- Hsieh, C-H., Sandler, S.I., & Lin, S-T. (2010). Improvements of COSMO-SAC for vapor–liquid and liquid–liquid equilibrium predictions. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 297(1), 90-97. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.06.011
- Hsieh, C-H., Lin, S-T. & Vrabec, J. (2014). Considering the dispersive interactions in the COSMO-SAC model for more accurate predictions of fluid phase behavior. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 367, 109-116. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2014.01.032
— TypeHANNA <: ActivityModel
puremodel = nothing,
userlocations = String[],
pure_userlocations = String[],
verbose = false,
reference_state = nothing)
Input parameters
: canonical SMILES (using RDKit) representation of the componentsMw
: Single Parameter (Float64
) (Optional) - Molecular Weight[g/mol]
Input models
: model to calculate pure pressure-dependent properties
Hard-Constraint Neural Network for Consistent Activity Coefficient Prediction (HANNA v1.0.0). The implementation is based on this Github repository. HANNA was trained on all available binary VLE data (up to 10 bar) and limiting activity coefficients from the Dortmund Data Bank. HANNA was only tested for binary mixtures so far. The extension to multicomponent mixtures is experimental.
To use the model, the package ClapeyronHANNA
must be installed and loaded (see example below).
using Clapeyron, ClapeyronHANNA
components = ["water","isobutanol"]
Mw = [18.01528, 74.1216]
smiles = ["O", "CC(C)CO"]
model = HANNA(components,userlocations=(;Mw=Mw, canonicalsmiles=smiles))
# model = HANNA(components) # also works if components are in the database
- Specht, T., Nagda, M., Fellenz, S., Mandt, S., Hasse, H., Jirasek, F., HANNA: Hard-Constraint Neural Network for Consistent Activity Coefficient Prediction. Chemical Science 2024. 10.1039/D4SC05115G.